Arsip Blog

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Profesi Technical Engineer

                Engineering adalah sebuah profesi, sama seperti halnya dengan ilmuan,dokter maupun profesi lainnya. Profesi dimana didalamnya ada pengetahuan matematika dan ilmu alam yang dapat melalui pendidikan dan pengalaman praktek.
                Profesi engineering menuntut standard sikap terhadap yang tinggi serta memliki tanggung jawab kepada klien dan mitra dan masyrakat sebagai satu kesatuan yang utuh. Proses ini membutuh kan bidang pengetahuan yang yang spesifik, dan para anggotanya mendapatkan status profesional setelah melalui jalur-jalur pendidikan dan pelatihan yang jelas.
                Salah seorang yang berhubungan dengan profesi diatas adalah Onno W. Purbo muda lulus dari Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Institut Teknologi Bandung, pada tahun 1987. Ia mengajukan skripsi berjudul "Perancangan dan implementasi rangkaian RS232C 8 kanal & program untuk praktikum" dengan bimbingan Prof. DR. Samaun Samadikun[5] dan Dr. Adang Suwandi.

Rabu, 04 April 2018

How To Get High Score in TOEFL

Yes! after i explained the TOEFL on the last post, now i will give you some information about how to get high score! enjoy your time!

1.      Familiarize yourself with the TOEFL format

One reason people experience exam stress is because they haven’t prepared sufficiently and don’t know what to expect before a test. One way to prevent stress on exam day is by studying the format of the test in detail.

With our TOEFL®iBT Introductory Course and our TOEFL®iBT Preparation Course you will learn how the exam is structured, helpful strategies for taking each section of the exam, and other general tips that will boost your score a few points.  We will practice hundreds of exam questions and you will take multiple practice tests.  After taking our TOEFL courses, you will feel extremely prepared on exam day.

2.      Research TOEFL Score Requirements

It’s important to research the minimum requirements for the university or institution you are interested in going to so that you know how many points you need to increase your score. We then can have an estimate of how many hours of our TOEFL®iBT Introductory and/or Preparation Courses you will need.  If you’re interested in studying in the USA, please check out our Admissions TOEFL score requirement list.

During our first meeting we will talk about what you can currently score on the TOEFL, what score you need to get into your top schools and which TOEFL program can help you to achieve these scores. Remember that the scores for the paper based test are different than the scores for the iBT.  Also, scores achieved on practice exams are normally a few points higher than you will achieve on the actual exam.

what is toefl?

TOEFL is an acronym of the Test of English as a Foreign Language, which is the official name for the test. It assesses your ability to both speak and understand English by analysing your English ability in terms of reading, speaking, listening and writing. These are all skills which will be needed to carry out your academic studies and the test is used by institutions to ensure students are able to proceed and succeed on their chosen course in a country where the curriculum is taught in English.
It is a long test that usually requires several months of study and preparation. And, if you are reading this post, I imagine that you probably need to take TOEFL.

Maybe you are going to study in a foreign country. Maybe you will work for an international company? Wish you the best!